QBAREA, Inc is a 501 c3 non-profit organization designed to save the Quincy, IL bay from extinction.
Quincy Bay is one of the largest natural bays of the Upper Mississippi River. Unfortunately the Bay is in danger of extinction.
The Quincy Bay Area Restoration and Enhancement Association (QBAREA, Inc.) represents the City of Quincy, Park District, Quincy Boat Club, GREDF, QACVB and the Mississippi Valley Hunter and Fisherman Association. QBAREA was formed to address the loss of water depth and the reduction of open water habitat area for fishing, hunting and boating. Our goal is to restore the natural conditions of the Quincy Bay through ecosystem restoration, habitat creation and sustainable sedimentation reduction activities. Hydraulic dredging of the Quincy Bay to historical depths, construction of a rock dike/weir structure at the Bay Island access channel, and creation of topographically diverse, above-flood elevations on Bay Island and northeast of Triangle Lake for reforestation. Together these projects will provide solutions to the existing problems, as well as restoring fish and wildlife habitat, while reducing future sediment accumulation rates.
Current estimates indicate the project could cost up to $20 million, with possible 100% construction funding coming from the Corps of Engineers. Our bay restoration enhancement project goals may have to be achieved in segments as QBAREA works with the U.S. Army Corps, U.S. Fish and Wildlife and State Department of Natural Resource, and other organizations to meet their criteria for dredging the bay. As with all projects, there have been, and will continue to be expenses and fees incurred to keep driving this project forward to completion on a local level. The Corp has approved the upper bay for restoration, thisis from the Quinsippi Island bridge North. QBAREA needs to continue to keep QBAREA members at as many of the corp meetings as possible. Once the project is done QBAREA will be responsible for upkeep on the project. Please join QBAREA and help save the Quincy Bay!
QBAREA is accepting tax-deductible donations to fund the efforts to save the bay. We hope we can count on your support. Donations can be made to:
1231Bonansinga Drive
Quincy, IL 62301
or donate on line by clicking on our HOME page button on top of the page, then click on the yellow Donate button to make your secure donation. Thanks!